FP-Hardware Franking Machines / Portal Meters 2020:

almost 7 years
38 elements


PostBase media

PostBase-Mini Knopf
about 7 years
15 elements

PostBase Mini

PostBase Mini Image Material

Please note: you will find our product images under "Images & Videos" - unfortunately we weren't able to integrate them here

Product brochures DE + EN Templates

Letter opener OL750

Inserting system  FPi 700

Franking system PostBase Vision

FP Whitepapers

Digitale Unterschriften im Klinikalltag / Digital signatures in everyday hospital life

The Benefits of a Hardware Security Module in Industrial IoT Applications 

Die Vorteile eines Hardware-Sicherheitsmoduls in industriellen IoT-Anwendungen

Reference Stories Here you can find the current reference stories for download (German versions)
